Social Change
Since 1985 Tony has worked in youth work, social entrepreneurship, and community development. He has worked with hundreds of groups and organisations on these issues, from small local community organisations to multinational corporations. In the 1990s Tony worked as National Programmes Manager for an international youth organisation (YMCA Ireland) and Deputy Director of a regional rural community organisation (Rural Community Network NI).
Today he provides consultancy support and coaching to leaders and organisations committed to social change. He also speaks at conferences and events on his experiences and views on creating positive social change. Tony also provides voluntary support to inspiring social change projects in East Africa

Tony partners with era92 Creative , a youth creative agency training and employing Uganda’s young adults in design, arts and technology.
Tony is on the international steering group with a vision to establish the Ubwongo Peace & Reconciliation Centre in Rwanda, which will be an international centre sharing stories and experiences of forgiveness, reconciliation, healing and peace building.

Social Change
Since 1985 Tony has worked in youth work, social entrepreneurship, and community development. He has worked with hundreds of groups and organisations on these issues, from small local community organisations to multinational corporations. In the 1990s Tony worked as National Programmes Manager for an international youth organisation (YMCA Ireland) and Deputy Director of a regional rural community organisation (Rural Community Network NI).
Today he provides consultancy support and coaching to leaders and organisations committed to social change. He also speaks at conferences and events on his experiences and views on creating positive social change. Tony also provides voluntary support to inspiring social change projects in East Africa
Tony partners with era92 Creative , a youth creative agency training and employing Uganda’s young adults in design, arts and technology.
Tony is on the international steering group with a vision to establish the Ubwongo Peace & Reconciliation Centre in Rwanda, which will be an international centre sharing stories and experiences of forgiveness, reconciliation, healing and peace building.